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Jason Lane

President & Chief Systemness Officer

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Jess Todtman

Jessica Todtman

Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

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Nancy Zimpher

Nancy Zimpher

Special Advisor to the President

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Carleen Vande Zande

Carleen Vande Zande

Chief Academic Officer

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Rico R. Reed

Chief Partnerships Officer

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Senior Fellows

Kim Hunter Reed, Ph.D.

Kim Hunter Reed

Senior Fellow

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Institute for Systems Innovation & Improvement

Daniel Knox

Daniel Knox

Director, Institute for Systems Innovation and Improvement

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Natalia Huerta

Institute Operations Coordinator

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Maria Ishaq Khan

Research Associate

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Equity Action Intensive

Blessing Enekwe

Director, RISE UPP

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Rohit Tandon

Rohit Tandon

Assistant Director, RISE UPP

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Refugee Resettlement Initiative

Dr. Colleen Thouez

Founder and Director, NASH RRI

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Jane Roche

Jane Roche

Program Manager, NASH RRI

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Olivia Issa

Program Lead, NASH RRI

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Dr. Hourie Tafech

Special Advisor, NASH RRI

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Dina Wild

EduHub Coordinator, NASH RRI

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Luc Gervais

Setting Up for Success: New York First Coordinator, NASH RRI

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Communications & Development

David Belsky

Chief Communications Advisor

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Kate Alcorn

Development Manager

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Adrienne Nunley

Senior Communications Coordinator

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Troy Kowatch

Communications Coordinator

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Support Services

Lilly Lavner

Project Manager

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Barbara Jariri

Barbara Jariri

Executive Assistant

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