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The Welcome Corps on Campus was launched in July 2023 by the U.S. Department of State to allow institutions and their stakeholders to welcome and enroll refugee students on their campuses. Welcome Corps on Campus leverages the capacity of U.S. higher education institutions to serve as resettlement spaces, provide academic opportunities for refugee students, foster more diverse and inclusive campuses, and create a sustainable pathway for colleges and universities to welcome refugee students on their campuses. 

NASH is proud to be one of six implementing partners of Welcome Corps on Campus nationally.

The Department of State is funding a consortium of nonprofit organizations, led by the Community Sponsorship Hub (CSH), to implement private sponsorship of refugee students at U.S. campuses under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, in alignment with the goals of the Welcome Corps. Consortium members include NASH, Community Sponsorship Hub, Every Campus A Refuge (ECAR), the Institute of International Education (IIE), the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration (Presidents’ Alliance), and World University Service of Canada (WUSC).

Since WCC launched, the NASH RRI has been responding to demand and preparing campus leaders to participate by forming “Private Sponsor Groups” to welcome refugee students. Twenty campuses have been mobilized as a result of this intensive effort so far, close to half of which are part of NASH member systems.


Learn more on the Welcome Corps on Campus website.

How to Get Involved

Read the Mobilization Toolkit

As a trusted voice on your campus and in your community, you are best equipped to share the opportunity to join the Welcome Corps on Campus within your network. Use this toolkit to best suit the needs and resources of your audience.

This toolkit is designed to equip institutions like yours to recruit members of their campus communities to take the first steps and establish a campus private sponsor group. Groups can be made up of faculty, staff, student volunteers and nearby community members—any individuals who meet the minimum requirements and have the capacity and willingness to welcome. Groups are made up of at least five U.S. citizens or permanent residents, who are over the age of 18, and who are directly connected to the campus. Contact to create an individualized plan to mobilize your campus to participate in Welcome Corps on Campus

Download the Mobilization Toolkit

Attend a Welcome Corps on Campus Information Session

Learn how universities and colleges can participate in Welcome Corps on Campus, the U.S. government’s private sponsorship program under the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) making it possible for campus communities to welcome, enroll, and support refugee students.

Welcome Corps on Campus creates new opportunities for higher education institutions and their communities to leverage their campus ecosystems and resources to privately sponsor and support refugee students.

Attend a session or watch the recording

Sign Up for the Welcome Corps on Campus Newsletter

When refugees are forced to flee their homes in search of safety, many refugee students are left without adequate access to continue their education and secure the futures they planned for. Now the Welcome Corps is making it possible for you to make a difference in the lives of refugee students.

Sign up to learn more about the Welcome Corps on Campus!
