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Emmanuelle Dyer-Melhado Communications Department Intern, NASH RRI

Emmanuelle Dyer-Melhado is a Communications Intern at the Refugee Resettlement Initiative. Joining the team in the fall of 2023, she has assisted in reviewing and strengthening the language of the RRI, created communications materials for a variety of stakeholders, and helped formulate content for the website and explainer materials, among other responsibilities. 

Emmanuelle is a Senior studying International Affairs with a concentration in Conflict Resolution at the George Washington University. She has been interested in refugee advocacy from a young age, having family that were forcibly displaced themselves during conflict. At GWU, she has been a leading voice at the student-led organization No Lost Generation, building and maintaining professional partnerships that support scholarship programs and inclusive practices for refugees on campus. Additionally, her faculty-supported research has dealt with the importance of memorialization as a part of transitional justice processes, the lasting effects of using enforced disappearances as a weapon of war, localization practices in humanitarian action, and universal jurisdiction as an important mechanism of international law. 

Before joining the NASH RRI, she completed a nine-month internship at UNHCR as a part of the Strategic Communications team. Emmanuelle will also be pursuing graduate school in the field of Humanitarian Coordination.