NASH System Leadership Academy 2020
September 28, 2019

NASH Leadership Academy 2020
The National Association of System Heads (NASH) Leadership Academy is designed to support systems in the development of high-performing teams that facilitate large-scale change, enhance campus and system performance, and scale best practices across multiple campuses. In its fourth year, the academy will continue to focus on moving the student success agenda forward. This meeting will be conducted in a workshop format, combining keynote presentations, case studies and structured team time in three areas: leading for change, innovation and organizational culture, and using data to inform change.
Who Participates?
Leadership teams consist of three to five members from the system and selected campuses. We encourage a team composition based on the desired outcome of a particular student success project and a representative mix of campus and system leaders. Each team will leave with an action plan for moving their project forward.
The 2020 Academy will be conducted over two in-person meetings:
Convening I:
January 15-16, 2020
National Center for Higher Education
Washington, DC
Convening II:
April 20-21, 2020
Held in conjunction with the NASH TS3 Network Convening
Minneapolis, MN
Academy Cost
The cost of attending the 2020 NASH Leadership Academy is $5,000 for a team of up to five members. Larger teams may participate for an additional fee.