PROFILE | Expanding Financial Wellness Clinic

Expanding Financial Wellness Clinic CSU Chico
The Financial Wellness Clinic (FWC) is an on campus financial planning office staffed by one Certified Financial Planning (CFP®) Professional and four finance major students at CSU, Chico. This program offers free and holistic financial planning sessions to student clients, focusing especially on underserved students who identify as low-income, housing insecure, part of a traditionally underrepresented population, or a member of one of the campus’s student support programs. The FWC attempts to help students persist in higher education by going beyond simple financial literacy prompts and ensures that students are taking corrective action to address their financial burdens. Examples of corrective actions are paying down credit card debts, selling cars that are too expensive, and enrolling in government assistance programs. Our staff help students to act in their meetings, and schedule follow-up appointments to continue the work until the client’s goals have been reached.