PROFILE | CSUCI Initiative for MappingAcademic Success (CIMAS)

CSUCI Initiative for MappingAcademic Success (CIMAS) CSU Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands’s Initiative for Mapping Academic Success’s mission is to reduce equity gaps related to non-passing grades and foster students’ progress toward graduation after experiencing such an outcome. CIMAS recruits students who experienced negative course outcomes in the prior semester (non-passing grades, INC, course drops, term withdrawal) and specifically targets Latinx and Pell eligible students. CIMAS cohorts meet weekly, and the program curriculum integrates exploration and development of academic skillsets and efficacy, as well as metacognitive reflection on the application of these skills. Thus, by participating in this program, students are able to avoid delays to graduation by strengthening their academic skillsets and completing a course over the summer (which may not be possible without a summer scholarship).