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NASH, in partnership with Google, is pleased to invite applications from public higher education systems to participate in a Community of Practice (CoP) focused on expanding access to microcredentials -specifically the Google Career Certificates (GCCs) and AI Essentials - to learners enrolled in and/or served by systems of higher education and across the United States. This initiative will bring together 10+ higher education systems, including an estimated 100 faculty and leaders, with a goal of reaching over 10,000 learners by the end of 2025. CoP participants will benefit from technical assistance and facilitation from the University of Texas System, which has significant expertise in this area based on their more than two years of system-wide work embedding GCCs into degree programs and offering them as co-curricular opportunities as a part of their Texas Credentials for the Future initiative.


The Request for Interest (RFI) Overview is linked below. Completed RFI Response Forms must be accompanied by a support letter from the system head or senior academic officer. Responses should be submitted by August 9, 2024 at 8:00pm ET for best consideration. Further details on the submission process are included in the linked documents.


Link to Download RFI Overview

Link to Download RFI Response Form

Benefits of Participation

Participating systems and their institutions will receive:

  • Targeted technical assistance (TA) and professional development (PD) from the University of Texas System, NASH, and Google, including implementation plan support, PD sessions, and ongoing coaching to ensure successful program delivery
  • No-cost access to all nine Google Career Certificates and AI Essentials until the end of 2025
  • $15,000 stipend per system to be used flexibly to support participation
  • Networking and collaboration opportunities with other participating systems, including access to virtual and in-person convenings about microcredentials, AI, and the future of work
  • Access to resources and promising practices, including playbooks, case studies, and marketing collateral
  • Marketing opportunities supported by NASH and Google, such as state-level announcements of your system’s participation and amplification on NASH/Google channels
  • Opportunities to participate in thought leadership activities, including panels, conferences, and publications such as case studies, op-eds, etc.


NASH and Google invite applications from public higher education systems that demonstrate:

  • Commitment to expanding access to high-quality, industry-relevant credentials for their students;
  • Buy-in from senior leadership as well as campus/faculty champions who will actively engage in the CoP and support program implementation;
  • Readiness to actively recruit and coordinate multiple institutions in your system to participate;
  • Alignment with system-based strategic plans and/or state-based credential or workforce goals; and
  • Commitment to deploying GCCs either as a co-curricular opportunity or integrated into academic coursework starting as early as Fall 2024 and no later than Fall 2025.


While this initiative targets 10 systems to join the Community of Practice, we will consider additional systems if there is interest and alignment to program outcomes.


Please reach out to with any questions. 


Missed our informational webinar? You can watch the recording here.